The scenes around the inauguration of a convicted criminal and twice impeached former president felt like the visual evidence that the USA has finally taken leave of its senses, and the change certainly diminishes its standing – but there is another side, and we need to remember that more people voted against Trump than for him. The flag waving multitudes in Washington for the ceremony are only representative of one side of the political divide. It is, of course, still terrifying that the Republican party has been so comprehensively taken over by the extremists that the US government now poses a threat to the rule of law, to democracy, and to the future of the planet but we now need to survive four years and to do what we can to mitigate the effects, including minimising the impact in our own backyard.
In this context I am creating my own ‘to do’ list which includes
· Supporting sensible politicians of all parties – we need parties of different political hues with respect for the rule of law and for other people and other views. Sensible politicians exist within most parties (I exclude Reform from this). Among other things this means stemming and reversing the drift to the extremes we can currently see in the Conservative party. Those within that party who are trying to do this deserve the support of the rest of us.Pushing for closer ties to Europe – stronger together, more able to defend democracy and the rights of all, not to mention reducing or reversing the negative impact of the Brexit debacle
· Supporting the campaign for PR – populism feeds on political disenchantment and the evidence suggest (strongly) that people in countries with PR are significantly less disenchanted
· Supporting the green movement -in my actions, my conversations and my writing
· Staying true to the community, creative, and artistic endeavours in which I am involved
· Speaking truth to power when the opportunity presents
· Importantly for me as a writer, telling the truth in my writing
We will be damaged by what has happened in America, but we can survive – if we don’t let it happen here. A more than usually political blog from me and, arguably, a more downbeat one but I end with this:
In the woods
Surrounded by green
moss and pine green
laurel and fern green
mint and olive
he breathes in
hope and healing
that have stood for centuries
speak of permanence
bird song of music
deer bursting
from the undergrowth
speak of survival
while smiles and nods
speak of human warmth
I like this very much. Thank you. ❤️
Wonderfully balanced, wise and compassionate, Tony. It has created a soothing and inspiring start to my day.